Initial Consultation

Our initial consultation is 30 min. The purpose of the consultation is:

  • An opportunity to meet and learn about each other

  • To conduct a Health History to review where you are in your health journey and what your goals and dreams are for your wellness

  • A review of the benefits and lasting changes that can occur in your life through my Health Coaching Program

  • Together we decide if we are the "right fit" for each other to work side by side as a coach/client team

  • Sign a contract of commitment, discuss fees and services and schedule our next session together


Health Coaching Program Overview

Customized Program Just for You - Addressing & Achieving Your Health and Wellness Goals

Sessions are 1:1 with Coach and Client 45-50min/session
Customized Program for each Client

Why a Customized Program?

Every client is unique. Every client has different goals and aspirations for their optimal health and wellness. When you work with a health coach, for a substantial amount of time old (unhealthy) habits are replaced with new ones that nourish our physical, emotional, and spiritual well being. During this time it provides the opportunity for stressors to occur that are out of your control (i.e. death, holidays, loss of job, illness).  When these unexpected challenges arise with a Health Coach by your side, together we weather the storm. New coping strategies are implemented and wellness goals are set and attained even amidst the pressures of life.  

In each session as a Coach I will:

  • Listen

  • Provide a place of trust and confidence

  • Come along beside you are in your health journey to support you in your Wellness goals

  • Set 2-3 Client driven goals at the end of each session

  • Hold accountability

  • Work with you to transform your Health and Wellness

  • Provide handouts, resources, ebooks, videos, etc. to support you

  • Provide and help implement new ideas and recipes for client specific food sensitivities or simply a desire for healthier eating

  • Provide opportunity to explore and address stressors in your life

  • Encourage and Implement self care to establish and maintain wellness

  • Each session builds upon the last, leading to a beautiful transformation of optimal health

Here is a Sampling of My Custom Make and Take Sessions: (Secondary Foods)

  • Cooking Classes: Making a Healthy & Delicious Meal in 30 min.

  • Juicing: How To and Benefits of Juicing

  • Make Gluten Free and or Dairy Free Recipes that are easy and delicious

  • Healthy Baking: Modifying and Creating New Healthy Recipes

  • Healthy, No Guilt Ice Cream, It Is Possible and Delicious!

  • Smoothies: Nutritional, Delicious, and Easy

  • Soups for Supper and Leftovers in the Freezer

  • Nutrional Breakfast Options on the Go

  • Vegetables: They Really are Delicious!

Sampling of Sessions Addressing Primary Foods: (ie. Home Environment, Relationships, Joy, Exercise...)

  • Circle of Life: What Does Yours Look Like?

  • Self Care: Where Do I Start?

  • Journaling: The Benefits of and Different Approaches for Success

  • Nurturing Relationships: Taking Time and Having Meaningful Conversation

  • Exercise: Realizing You Can Do It!

  • The Power of Positive Thoughts

  • The Gut/Brain Connection

Contact me, Kimberly Schneider, Certified Health Coach, and Certified Cooking Instructor to learn more about my program and fees.  I look forward to the opportunity to work with you. Together, wellness will be nurtured and attained.  What you thought was only a distant dream, will become a reality...   

Let’s take the next step of your journey together! I can't wait to meet you!