Inhale Confidence...Exhale Doubt...

“Inhale confidence…exhale doubt…I” was thinking about this quote as I was laying in bed this morning.

Actually, before I go any further, do you have a time of day that your mind just continues to fire all kinds of ideas and thoughts? Mine is 1st thing in the morning as I begin to wake up. Usually the time when I should be crawling out of bed but instead I’m hitting snooze 2 or 3 times. But seriously, in this 25-30 minute time frame, my mind is thinking about the day, processing where I want to focus in my life, I often pray for inspiration or guidance in an informal way, i think about my children, my spouse, and all of these thoughts tend to open my mind to endless possibilities. I’m filled with confidence and my usual self doubt seems to dissipate. I find myself giving great classes as I eloquently speak, I “solve” issues that seemed huge just the night before, and the dreams and positive thoughts that flow through my veins inspires me. So, it was during this time of thought and reflection that I was inspired to write this post…

Inhale confidence…

Most of us know that taking deep, meaningful, thoughtful breaths can often help settle our emotions and calm a rapidly beating heart. What if we combined a deep inhale breath with positive affirmations? This is the thought that popped into my head as I lay in bed this morning.

Another quick tangent, about 10 years ago I went through a significant emotional health crisis. (If interested in learning more, click on “About” tab to read my story). In finding my way back to stability and wellness I was taught to repeat positive affirmations every time I was aware that I was having a negative or depressed thought. This enabled my brain to replace the negative firing synapses to be retrained to become positive firing synapses. During this time I was also encouraged to use deep breathing when my thoughts became anxious, or my mind felt foggy and dull.

Back to this morning…Inhale confidence, my “go to” affirmation was a Bible verse, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Phil 4:13 KJV. A simple deep breathing exercise is to inhale slowly and deeply through your nose. While doing this, push as much air as possible into your diaphragm, (you want to see your stomach extend out) for approximately 4 seconds. So, as you inhale for 4 seconds, say to yourself slowly, and with emotion, “I CAN DO ALL THINGS THROUGH CHRIST WHO STRENGTHENS ME.”

Back to my emotional health crisis…Ok, I had my “go to” verse down, but I knew I needed to do more than just say these words, First,I had to learn to completely believe that Christ was my strength and then I had to trust that He would and could strengthen me.

The 2nd part of deep breathing is to hold the deep breath for 4 seconds. So as you hold, say to yourself, “Believe”, and spell it out… B E L I E V E, and then say to your self “Trust”, and spell it out T R U S T.

The last part of this quote is exhale doubt, and the final step to a deep breath is to exhale. How do we combine this? One more tangent…

About 6 months ago a friend was sharing with me about times in her life when she had been deeply troubled both in her spiritual life and in her emotional life. She said to me “I’ve found that if I combat the enemy of my mind and soul by saying ‘In the name of Jesus Christ, get behind me satan’, this is so much more powerful than just saying ‘Get behind me satan.’ When I don’t preface it with ‘In the Name of Jesus Christ”, I’m depending on my own strength, and that never works well.” Since we shared this conversation, I’ve implemented this when I too am struggling with various things in my life and have found this to be extremely beneficial.

Exhale doubt…as you exhale, through your mouth for 4 seconds, say to yourself slowly and with determination, “In the name of Jesus Christ, get behind me satan, and continue to release your breath til your lungs are empty.

Repeat this exercise 4 times. Your cells will thank you for refreshing them with oxygen. Your mind will thank you for clearing the fog. Your heart will thank you for slowing its rapid beat. Your inner spirit will thank you for the clarity and freedom in trusting your fears and anxieties to God. The enemy of your soul will be defeated. And now, you can move through the next part of your your day with faith because you have taken the time to inhale confidence and to exhale doubt.

To Recap: Repeat this Exercise 4x’s in one sitting (repeat throughout day as often as needed)

Inhale confidence….deep breath through nose, allowing diaphragm to extend for 4 seconds as you say slowly and confidently, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Phil 4:13

Hold breath for 4 seconds…as you hold say “Believe” & spell B E L I E V E and say “trust” & spell T R U S T

Exhale Doubt…exhale through mouth for 4 seconds as you say slowly and with determination “In the name of Jesus Christ, get behind me satan.” until lungs are empty of air.

Inhale confidence, exhale doubt…,inhale confidence, exhale doubt…,inhale confidence, exhale doubt…inhale confidence, exhale doubt…You’ve got this, I am confident, and I have no doubt.

Wishing you an abundant and blessed day
