Thanksgiving "Eve"ning
/Thanksgiving “Eve”ning!
I’m sitting at the airport waiting for my plane to board. I’ve never flown to my destination for Thanksgiving before. I must say I am thankful that I do not have a 9 hour drive ahead of me. Sitting on an airplane for 3 hours seems much less stressful, and a lot less wear and tear on my body and mind.
Thanksgiving...What are you thankful for? What has transpired in your life over the past 12 months? Where were you then? Where are you now? Did you have dreams and aspirations that were fulfilled? Or did things remain “static quo” in your life? Or did something extraordinary transpire, was this joyful, or devastating?
We say “Happy Thanksgiving” to our families, to our co workers, to a stranger we meet sitting here at the airport. Yes, thanksgiving can be happy, but for many people they are “celebrating” thankfulness in their lives, but happy is not the adjective they would choose to place in front of that word. In life they may be enduring - and thankful. They may be - very sad, but yet thankful. They may be weary or sick - but thankful. They may be struggling deeply - but thankful. But happy, probably would be difficult to apply.
If you are in a place where this is truly a Happy Thanksgiving! Rejoice, give abundant praise, and radiate this happy to others. your happy, be open and mindful, compassionate and merciful to those who cannot relate to your happy. Take the time to have a conversation with one (or more) of them, let them share their burden, be willing to listen, and be willing to pray for them. You might not be able to give them “your happy” but they will walk away feeling blessed, more joyful, thankful, and perhaps for a few moments be happy - that someone cared enough to open their heart to them. Later, as they reflect back on their Thanksgiving memories, perhaps this small act of kindness will be their Happy for Thanksgiving 2018.
Wishing you all an Abundant and Blessed Thanksgiving! Above all things, remember to give God thanks and reverence wherever this night finds you. He knows, and cares for you wherever you are at on your journey this Thanksgiving “Eve”ning!