Inspired by...
/Inspired by…
“To be inspired is great, but to inspire is an honor” Stacey T. Hunt
Many times in my life I’ve thought someday maybe I’ll write a book? Perhaps someday that may happen, but for now, I’ll start small and write a blog. It is my goal to post a blog each week. As life unfolds whatever I have “Inspired by…” is what I will choose to write on.
Life is so full and changing. It continually brings us on a journey of; Happy and sad, Fear and trust. Love and hate. Joy and sorrow, Peace and Unrest. Sickness and health. Communication and silence. Clouds and Sunshine. Employed and unemployed. Young and old. Walking and running. Friendships and broken relationships. Life and death. Thankfulness and unthankfulness. Volunteering and obligations. Trusting God and trusting self. Hugs and standoffs. Gratitude and complaining. Accepting and unaccepting. Motivation and laziness. In almost everything listed above we have a choice in how we choose to react and interact with the time and events that are continually confronting us in our lives. As this blog unfolds life “happening” will dictate its pages. Conversations spoken, words shared, Scriptures read, Quotes penned down, tears shed, celebrations, life, death, natures wonders and just about anything that may come along this journey we call life... Each will be a post on something or someone that I have been inspired by...
For me writing is what some people call “A gift”. And yes, for me it is a gift. I always say, “Give me a piece of paper and a pen, and I can tell you my heart.” Often what is difficult for me to express with my voice, somehow comes out through a different channel into the written word. When I write, there are no barriers, no one is talking back, no one is giving their opinion, no one is listening (except my Heavenly Father, He who knows my thoughts before I even do) as I write. So often what is finished is the product of words and feelings that I want all of the above on, but can express without judgement. It has a language and freedom all of its own.
If you choose to read this blog only once, or to follow me in my journey as life unfolds, this is your choice. I ask you to read it with an open heart. Somedays you may cry with me, somedays you may laugh with me. Somedays you may simply sigh, and say, “Yeah, I get it!". Who knows, maybe someday you will be “Inspired by…” something and choose to pass it on to inspire yet another dear soul.
Happy reading. Let your light shine, and let others see God’s beauty and love shining through you as you go about your days. You never know your sparkle just might inspire some stranger as you pass unknowingly, or it may inspire a dear loved one you know intimately, the possibilities are countless...
Be inspired, or Be someone's inspiration...✨