Looking for your input...

Tomorrow we flip the calendars to March…Yikes!! Where did January and February go? Well, for me, it has taken me to Jamaica with my family, it has brought about a death of an elderly aunt which led to a trip to Illinois for her funeral. It has given me the opportunity to work on a reception committee for one of my daughters best friends who will be getting married on March 17th. It has allowed me to present and inspire a group of individuals at ProHealth Chiropractic (my families Chiropractor), and share with them what I have to offer as a Certified Health Coach to help them meet their 2019 health and wellness goals. It has inspired me take another leap out of my comfort zone in social media, and put myself and my business out there on Instagram, as well as to continue to post on Facebook. I have conducted a 1:1 cooking class on juicing and blending. (So much fun!!) I have received positive feedback and interest in the idea of hosting Cooking and Wellness Classes in my home, as well as the idea of hosting classes at another venue. And yesterday I returned from a trip to Pennsylvania to help with a church remodeling project. So, life remains full, ever changing, and exciting as I anticipate what might happen in the next couple of months, planned and unplanned.

But, enough about me, I now am looking for input from you…

If you could attend any Cooking Class of your choice, what would you want to be learning about?

Where does the kitchen stump you most? When preparing breakfast?, lunch?, dinner? Or, maybe its snacks that really throw your “good intentions” off course. Do you need quick “on the go” foods that are nourishing, easy, and tasty? Do you want to learn about juicing and blending? Do you know you should eat more veggies and greens, but you need help in making and creating options that taste delicious? Love desserts, but don’t love the sugar laden options you’re used to? Let me educate, create and treat you to delicious healthy dessert options.

What day and time of day would work best in your schedule? Does during the day or evenings work best in your busy life? Would you prefer a night out, and attend in my home, or would you like the opportunity to be the host, and I present in your home?

Would you like to form your own group of likeminded friends who share the same interests and desire similar inspiration and education in their wellness goals and have me present, prepare and teach? Or, would you prefer to come to my home, learn here, and have the opportunity to create new relationships as we share together? Do you like the option of you having “hands on learning” or would you rather a presentation style learning?

Perhaps a cooking class is intimidating or you simply would rather attend a Wellness Workshop. If this is the case, what would be your interests? Where do you want to learn more as you travel this journey of health and wellness?

A few ideas to get your mind going…Perhaps one of these Wellness Workshops sparks your interest…

Would a workshop on basic food knowledge be enlightening? Learn about eating whole foods, how to stay away from processed food, how food affects us both physically and emotionally, organic foods vs non organic, etc.

Or, a workshop on food as energy. Focusing on both our nutritional food, the food we put into our mouths, eat and digest, and also our lifestyle choices and the food that feeds our stresses and environments of our lives. Learn the importance of addressing both and how to make small incremental steps that can lead to amazing changes within your self.

Did you know that sugar is addictive? Much research has been conducted to prove this. “In April of 2016 a study conducted by researchers at the Queensland University of Technology found that consuming excessive amounts of sugar elevates the brain’s dopamine levels in a way similar to drugs such as cocaine. Over time, dopamine levels will fall, which means users will consume more sugar to achieve the same
”high” and avoid mild depression.” This study, and many others similar to this, found that “withdrawing from chronic sucrose exposure can cause imbalance in dopamine levels, which will make it hard for people to quit sugar abruptly, or “cold turkey””. Do you want to learn more about where sugar hides, the many, many different names it hides under, and the devastating effects it can have on us both physically and emotionally? Being enlightened and then making educated changes within your own life in regards to the amount of processed sugar you consume can lead to a myriad of incredible positive health improvements within your self on so many levels.

So, to each of my faithful followers, please, talk to me. I want to hear from you. I’m here to help and inspire, to teach and to educate, to prepare and tantalize your taste buds, and to nourish you both with knowledge and nutrition. I want to share my passion and focus my time and energies on what YOU want and need to help you achieve your optimal wellness. As a way to thank you for commenting and giving me input, every follower who takes time out of their busy lives to give me feedback on this blog post will be entered into a drawing to attend a Cooking Class of your choice for free. If you would like to be entered into the drawing, at the end of your comment, please sign your name, and provide your email address. Winner will be announced on 3/15/2019 on Nurturing Your Wellness Facebook page.

I thank each of you for following me. I thank each of you for your patience and for continuing to follow me even when there are times of “quietness” between my posts. When I’m quiet, it does not mean I’m not still passionate about reaching out to you, sharing with you, and inspiring you, it simply means that life in some way, expected or unexpected has taken over the time and availability of allowing me to sit still long enough to share my heart with you.

Now, if you can take a few minutes from your busy lives, from things expected, or unexpected, and share your heart with me, I’d love to hear from you.

It is my goal to help make your life better, because then you make my life better…

“If you’re not making someone else’s life better, then you’re wasting your time. Your life will become better by making other lives better.” Will Smith

Wishing each of you a joyful and blessed day.
