Reminiscing...Christmas Traditions


I clearly remember when I was 1st married one of my aunts giving me advice as I began this next phase of my life, she said, “Kim, as you establish your home, and have a family, create traditions, those events and times that are unique and special to your family.  It will build deep bonds and keep you close.”

Over the years, I have often remembered those words of wisdom from long ago, and have tried to embrace and establish traditions within our home.  Christmas time is one time of year that we’ve established traditions. As your children grow, traditions evolve to accommodate their ages, interests and abilities.

Last week, as we were all sitting around the table having dinner together, making a plan for our family Christmas, what time should everyone arrive?, what should we have to eat?, what should each person bring?, etc... one of the 1st traditions that we enjoyed as a family with four young children was shared and reminisced.  It brought back sweet memories, this was our tradition…

To many this may seem odd, but, the day we celebrated “Our Family Christmas” was never on Christmas Day or Christmas Eve.  Those days were filled with houses overflowing with grandma and grandpas, aunts and uncles, and cousins from far and near. Instead we would choose a night, usually a few days before all of the Christmas chaos began, and share our family Christmas.  

With Mom, (aka me), busy with 4 little kids underfoot, preparing Christmas Dinner could seem more like a burden than a joy.  So, as a family we decided to recreate one of our favorite family summertime activities and meals; brats, hotdogs for dinner - campfire pies and s’mores for dessert, cooked over an open fire - in our wood burning fireplace -  for our Christmas Dinner!!

Our family room would be transformed into a “camp site”!  Dad and the boys would head out to the attic of the barn, bring down our camp chairs (we couldn’t sit on our couch, or on our kitchen chairs to roast hot dogs, that wasn’t the “real” way to do it!) our hot dog sticks, and our pie irons.  When it was time for our Christmas Dinner, the kids were ecstatic to be able to “go camping” and indulge in their summer time treats. Mom and Dad would supervise, help out, eat the burned hot dogs and marshmallows, and they, especially mom, would revel in the simplicity of the expectations of children when Christmas Dinner was organized and prepared through the eyes of a child.

After the food was all eaten, and the mess was cleaned up, we then would share the gifts we had purchased or made for one another.  Do you remember those years when the children did ALL of their Christmas shopping at the “Holiday Boutique” put on by the PTO at their elementary school? In our house, each child's budget for gifts for the entire family was about $10 - so it doesn’t take much to imagine the “value” of 5 gifts with an approximate $2.00 price tag…

But, again, OH, the simplicity of joy a child receives in being able to choose “the perfect gift” on their own, wrap it in their individual and unique ways, and then present it to the special recipient.  I can still see their eyes glowing with anticipation, them dancing around anxiously as I would unwrap it, and often them “spilling the beans” before I ever finished removing the wrappings. Each child always had a “story” to tell of why and how they choose that “perfect” gift just for me.  And I can still recall feeling like a queen who had just received a royal treasure. And...well, I had…for my princes and princesses had just bestowed their gifts of love upon their mom.

Once again, when all the presents were opened, we all pitched in (literally, there was always at least 1 box that had been designated for a basketball hoop, so “shots” could be taken with the wadded up wrapping paper) to clean up the mess.

  And then, the family room was transformed as we lined up our air mattresses, sleeping bags,  pillows, etc as we prepared for our Christmas Camp Out. Yup, the entire family would sleep on the family room floor!

With 4 sleepy eyed children snuggled in their sleep bags, Dad or I would read the story of Baby Jesus being born on Christmas Day, say our prayers, say our “Good Night, and I love you’s” and settle down for a night “under the stars” beside the peaceful glow and warmth of the fire.

As we drifted off to sleep, each of us were filled with joy, love and thankfulness in the blessings of the very special Christmas dinner and evening we had just shared.

 I don’t know if I really realized it at the time, but now I am keenly aware that we were creating memories, creating bonds of love that were unique and special to our own little family unit.  We were creating Our Traditions!!

Spark ideas and give inspiration to all of us and share your family Christmas traditions that you have created or have been a part of in the comments below.  I’d love to hear from you.

Grandma Vi's Yellow Cookies

Inspired by…

Fourteen years ago today, On December 4, 2004 one of the most influential and loving persons in my life, died suddenly. For us, it was a shock, we all fumbled to wrap our hearts and minds around the fact that she was no longer here with us. For her, it was such a gift. Without pain, without disease, she was awarded her home in Heaven which she had been striving for and showing us “The Way” in her every deed, word, and love shown toward us; every day that she lived. Her name was Grandma Vi.

How many of you have had the incredible blessing of knowing, interacting, loving, and learning from a Grandma, or a “grandma figure” in your life? If that person is still here on earth with you, how much do you appreciate them? How much time do you spend with them? How often do you tell them you love them? How often do you just take them for granted, and assume that they’ll always be that Rock and anchor in your life? This is me, in a very kind but imploring way to put time, energy, and effort into this relationship in word, deeds, and actions. In the blink of an eye, or within a few hours that loved one can pass from life into eternity. I promise you, when the end comes, you will never chastise or beat yourself up by saying, “I spent too much time with my Gram, or I loved her too much!!” If you take action it is a gift you will give yourself and her.

Grandma Vi loved to have her family around, her church family, and any of our friends. She was a grandma to everyone and treated all with the same love and joy whenever we were in her home. Grandma also loved to feed you. She wasn’t very good at taking “no” or “I’m not hungry Gram” for an answer. If you didn’t want her sweet rolls, well then surely you would want some cookies. If you didn’t want cookies, then surely you would want at least a cup of hot cocoa (aka: “hot tottie” according to gram) or tea. Food was her love language, and she passed this out joyfully and abundantly.

My favorite cookie of Gram’s were her “Yellow Cookies” (hence the title of this post). Their real name is Sour Cream Cookies, but the grandkids somewhere along the way nick-named them Yellow Cookies. These cookies were a soft yellow color, almost cake like, moist, sprinkled with the perfect amount of sugar, and baked to perfection.

As a Grandma, she didn’t have to “follow the Mom rules” for when you could and couldn’t have sweets. At Grandma Vi’s the cookie jar was always full, and never off limits.

One of the sweetest memories I have as a child is on the mornings, after spending the night on her sleeper sofa (which was right outside her bedroom door, so no worries about being scared at Grandma’s.) I would wake up usually to the smell of coffee brewing and the sounds of Grandma and Grandpa rustling in the kitchen. When she realized I was awake, she would come sit on the edge of the couch, make sure I slept well, and then would ask me what I wanted to eat. (I’m awake, I must want food immediately, right? lol). She didn’t ask me what I wanted for breakfast, simply what I wanted to eat. With a gleam in my eyes, and with a “blissful guilt” of breaking the rules, my response was always the same, “Yellow Cookies and Hot Tottie!”

What transpired next? …another “Ruler Breaker!” My joyful childlike response would then make my Grandma’s eyes shine with love and anticipation as she went into the kitchen to prepare for my morning treat.

And, here’s the next “Ruler Breaker”… she would bring it to me my lovingly prepared cookies and hot cocoa on a little turquoise tray, painted with pretty little flowers to enjoy in bed. I could eat cookies and have a drink all on Grandma’s couch!! Oh the bliss of the simple joys shared between the love of a child and their Grandma! As I sat there, still snuggled in the softest comforter ever, with Grandma at my side, with each of us munching on cookies and sipping our hot tottie I would feel like a princess adorned in the most beautiful robe, dining with the Queen herself!

As I sit here writing this post, allowing myself the time to drift down memory lane, I can still feel the warmth and joy that Grandma passed on to me so many years ago. I wasn’t planning on sharing anything other than the sweet memory of “Yellow Cookies”, but…I have to!

That wonderfully soft comforter I was adorned in as a little girl sitting on Grandma’s couch 40 years ago, has become my “prayer blanket”. On these cold wintery mornings here in CT, when I awaken in the morning, or kneel beside my bed at night, I take this gem of a blanket, wrap myself in its love and warmth, and say my prayers. It’s torn, its worn, its stuffing is popping out, most people would say it needs to be placed in the garbage, but I can’t do that! This old comforter has literally and figuratively become an intricate part of who I am. Because of the beautiful Godly example of love, times spent, conversations had, prayers offered, and special memories created with my Grandma Vi I give her much reverence and thanks in becoming the woman I am today. This blanket wraps me in those precious memories.

As you enjoy this recipe, you will notice that it does not follow my typical recipe posts that equals healthy in a nutritional sense. No, nutritionally we would probably say they are unhealthy. But these delicious little “Yellow Cookies” are like gems of gold to the health and wellness of our inner being. As you take the time to make them, remember this post, or go down memory lane yourself, find yourself immersed in a sweet memory of long ago, when you gleefully broke “Mom rules”, and were adorned with a crown of love, and feasted on the joy of kindness bestowed upon you by the “Grandma Vi” in your life.

Did this INSPIRE you? How did your “Grandma Vi” influence and love you in your life? Take the time to share by leaving a comment in the comment box below. I’d love to hear from you!

Recipe: Grandma Vi’s Yellow Cookies


1/2 c butter

1 1/2c sugar

2 eggs

With a Mixer, cream these 3 ingredients together.

1 c sour cream

1 t vanilla

Add this to the above mixture, and mix thoroughly.

2 3/4c flour

1/2 t baking soda

1/2 t baking powder

1/2 t salt

Add this to the above wet ingredients, and mix in with mixer till batter is smooth.

Chill dough for 2 hours in refrigerator

Scoop out, and place on ungreased cookie sheet. Sprinkle each cookie generously with granulated sugar.

Bake at 400 degrees for 8-10 min. Cookies should be soft and just slightly browned on the bottom.

Smile, and enjoy!!

Inspired by...

Inspired by…

“To be inspired is great, but to inspire is an honor” Stacey T. Hunt

Many times in my life I’ve thought someday maybe I’ll write a book? Perhaps someday that may happen, but for now, I’ll start small and write a blog. It is my goal to post a blog each week. As life unfolds whatever I have “Inspired by…” is what I will choose to write on.

Life is so full and changing. It continually brings us on a journey of; Happy and sad, Fear and trust. Love and hate. Joy and sorrow, Peace and Unrest. Sickness and health. Communication and silence. Clouds and Sunshine. Employed and unemployed. Young and old. Walking and running. Friendships and broken relationships. Life and death. Thankfulness and unthankfulness. Volunteering and obligations. Trusting God and trusting self. Hugs and standoffs. Gratitude and complaining. Accepting and unaccepting. Motivation and laziness. In almost everything listed above we have a choice in how we choose to react and interact with the time and events that are continually confronting us in our lives. As this blog unfolds life “happening” will dictate its pages. Conversations spoken, words shared, Scriptures read, Quotes penned down, tears shed, celebrations, life, death, natures wonders and just about anything that may come along this journey we call life... Each will be a post on something or someone that I have been inspired by...

For me writing is what some people call “A gift”. And yes, for me it is a gift. I always say, “Give me a piece of paper and a pen, and I can tell you my heart.” Often what is difficult for me to express with my voice, somehow comes out through a different channel into the written word. When I write, there are no barriers, no one is talking back, no one is giving their opinion, no one is listening (except my Heavenly Father, He who knows my thoughts before I even do) as I write. So often what is finished is the product of words and feelings that I want all of the above on, but can express without judgement. It has a language and freedom all of its own.

If you choose to read this blog only once, or to follow me in my journey as life unfolds, this is your choice. I ask you to read it with an open heart. Somedays you may cry with me, somedays you may laugh with me. Somedays you may simply sigh, and say, “Yeah, I get it!". Who knows, maybe someday you will be “Inspired by…” something and choose to pass it on to inspire yet another dear soul.

Happy reading. Let your light shine, and let others see God’s beauty and love shining through you as you go about your days. You never know your sparkle just might inspire some stranger as you pass unknowingly, or it may inspire a dear loved one you know intimately, the possibilities are countless...

Be inspired, or Be someone's inspiration...✨

Thanksgiving "Eve"ning

Thanksgiving “Eve”ning!

I’m sitting at the airport waiting for my plane to board.  I’ve never flown to my destination for Thanksgiving before.  I must say I am thankful that I do not have a 9 hour drive ahead of me.  Sitting on an airplane for 3 hours seems much less stressful, and a lot less wear and tear on my body and mind.  

Thanksgiving...What are you thankful for? What has transpired in your life over the past 12 months? Where were you then? Where are you now? Did you have dreams and aspirations that were fulfilled? Or did things remain “static quo” in your life? Or did something extraordinary transpire, was this  joyful, or devastating?

We say “Happy Thanksgiving” to our families, to our co workers, to a stranger we meet sitting here at the airport.  Yes, thanksgiving can be happy, but for many people they are “celebrating” thankfulness in their lives, but happy is not the adjective they would choose to place in front of that word.  In life they may be enduring - and thankful. They may be - very sad, but yet thankful. They may be weary or sick - but thankful. They may be struggling deeply - but thankful. But happy, probably would be difficult to apply.  

If you are in a place where this is truly a Happy Thanksgiving!  Rejoice, give abundant praise, and radiate this happy to others. your happy, be open and mindful, compassionate and merciful to those who cannot relate to your happy.  Take the time to have a conversation with one (or more) of them, let them share their burden, be willing to listen, and be willing to pray for them. You might not be able to give them “your happy” but they will walk away feeling blessed, more joyful, thankful, and perhaps for a few moments be happy - that someone cared enough to open their heart to them.  Later, as they reflect back on their Thanksgiving memories, perhaps this small act of kindness will be their Happy for Thanksgiving 2018.

Wishing you all an Abundant and Blessed Thanksgiving! Above all things, remember to give God thanks and reverence wherever this night finds you.  He knows, and cares for you wherever you are at on your journey this Thanksgiving “Eve”ning!

Paleo Cranberry Orange Muffins

Sharing Love With Self and Your Neighbors

This morning as I was taking my quiet time, and praying, I was thinking about the blog post I wrote yesterday. (If you have not read it yet, take a few minutes now to do so.) In a nutshell it was about not judging yourself, and loving you for who you are. As I pondered more on this topic Matthew 22:39 came to my mind.   It says the 2nd greatest commandment is this “Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.”

Ok, well who is your neighbor? It could be the family you live next door to, your church family, your children, spouse, parents, your best friend, or a stranger you smile at as you pass in the grocery store.  If any of those individuals listed needed a helping hand, a door held open, a hug, a prayer, or a meal made during a difficult time, would you hesitate to do it? Most likely, the answer is “Of course not, I would do that for them, they were in need!”

So, why is it that when we find ourselves “in need” of a dose of self love, personal time, quiet time, call it whatever you want, do we feel like “we can’t or we don’t deserve it?” If we truly are going to love our neighbors as ourselves, then we have to allow ourselves the opportunities, time, and joy of knowing how to love “yourself” before you can love “them”!  

The next time you agree to make some muffins for a elderly friend who is not feeling well, make a double batch. Give half to her, and keep the other half for yourself.

As they come out of the oven, Stop, make a cup of hot tea or coffee or hot chocolate, sit on the couch, and relax as you enjoy a fresh muffin, made with love for yourself and your neighbor, and smile at the gift you are receiving.   When you are done and your tummy is happily full, stick these little gems into the freezer. In a couple of days when you reach your hand into your freezer and pull out another; the gift of love to yourself will be put into action once again. It will make you smile, it will make you thankful.

This is not selfish.  

It is fulfilling the commandment “Love your neighbor as yourself.”  

To help motivate you to put this love into action...Here’s a Delicious Paleo Cranberry Orange Muffin Recipe I found from  It is perfect for this time of year as we think about our Thanksgiving plans and Christmas festivities right around the corner. Who's going to be your neighbor who shares this dose of love with you?

Paleo Cranberry Orange Muffins                             


  • 2 cups  almond flour

  • 1/2 teaspoon baking soda

  • 1/8 teaspoon fine sea salt

  • zest of 1 orange

  • 3 eggs

  • 1/4 cup honey

  • 2 tablespoons ghee or coconut oil, melted

  • 2 tablespoons fresh orange juice

  • 1/2 cup fresh cranberries or organic dried cranberries

For full instructions click here:

Tips from Kim at Nurturing Your Wellness:

 *To make the muffins more light and fluffy, beat eggs well before adding the rest of the wet ingredients.

 *I also went heavy on the cranberries, I used about 1 c. of fresh berries.

 *I used coconut oil to keep muffins dairy free

BEET the Morning Blues Smoothie Recipe

I’m reading this great little nugget of a book.  It’s called “Living a Charmed Life” by Victoria Moran.  

As I read last evening, this quote resonated within me:

“Each time you judge yourself, you break your own heart.”

I’m guilty, I judge myself often.  Too often the judgement is based upon what I perceive others are thinking, or I compare myself with how they are doing a certain task, and begin to feel inadequate within my own capabilities.  

The next sentence in this book is: “Admire yourself instead, and all of your parts.”

To learn to love is a primary and foundational part of all of us.  We teach it to our children, we wish to give it to others, we bask in the warmth of it when it is bestowed upon us.  Why then is this lesson the hardest when it comes to loving ourselves?

The next time you start to judge yourself, remember this simple quote.  

“Each time you judge yourself, you break your own heart.”

Put it on your bathroom mirror as you get ready for the day.  Stick it on the dashboard of your car, place it on your computer at work.  Let it inspire you to stop judging yourself, and give you the motivation and inspiration to stop breaking your heart; again and again, day after day.  

Move forward with intentional commitment to stop judging and start loving YOU!

One very simple way to show love to yourself is to feed your body with nutritional whole foods.  Click here to get my favorite morning smoothie recipe. As you make it, smile to yourself, knowing you are starting your day with an amazing array of fruits and veggies that will energize and nourish your mind and body.  

BEET the Morning Blues Smoothie


1 c. water

1 beet, peeled and chunked

1 carrot, peeled and chunked

1 lemon peeled

1 small orange or clementine peeled

1 stalk celery, chunked

3 in. piece of cucumber

1 Large handful of greens (spinach, arugula, romaine, kale etc)

10-12 ice cubes

Dash of cinnamon (to taste)

1-2 t raw honey (or more to taste)


Wash all veggies and fruit. Use organic as much as possible.  Put all in blender, and blend on high til smooth. I use a vitamix, but any powerful high speed blender will work just fine.

Drink Lovingly... Knowing that you have just taken the 1st step today in showing love and care for you!!!

A toast of “LOVE” to you!!!


Mashed Winter Squash Medley

Fall! I love this time of year. I love to watch the trees transform into their vibrant yellows, oranges and reds. I love the crispness of the the autumn air, and the sunny but less intense sun beating down upon the earth. It is a time of harvest, and with that comes a whole new array of options as I cook for my family and friends.

Today I needed to make a vegetable for a table of 12. My invite said “We’re having turkey, so think Thanksgiving.” I opened my fridge and found that I did not have any single veggie that would feed 12 people. So…what do you do when you don’t feel like going to the grocery store? You modify and become creative. Some people would find this terrifying, I love the challenge!

I gathered together the array of squashes that I had on hand, spaghetti squash (which I thought was a pumpkin, more on that later) butternut squash, acorn squash, and delicata squash. The idea brewing in my mind was, roast them all, and then mash them up, season them good, and whah la… veggie for 12. My goal: After consuming we would all be dreaming about revisiting that delicious taste as we gathered around our Thanksgiving tables in a few weeks.

This is the recipe that emerged:


PreHeat oven to 400 degrees.

1 Butternut squash

1 Acorn Squash

1 Delicata Squash

1 Spaghetti Squash

Olive Oil

McCormick’s Garlic and Herb Seasoning

Salt and pepper

2 whole cloves of garlic

Organic Chicken Broth

Directions: Cut all the squash in 1/2 and scoop out all seeds. Generously drizzle olive oil all over each side. Use hands to coat evenly. Season generously with Garlic and Herb seasoning. Next fill each of the “seed areas” about 1/2 full with water.

Slice off about 1/4” of the whole garlic clove, so the tops of the individual cloves are exposed. Drizzle with olive oil, salt and pepper.

Place the squash and the garlic all on a cookie sheet and put in oven. Cover the entire pan loosely with tin foil.

Fill a 9x13 pan 1/2 full with water. Place this in oven below the squash and garlic. This allows moisture to form, keeping the squash moist as it bakes.

Bake til fork tender, about 45 min. You want it to be very soft. Some kinds of squash may cook a little faster than others, so check all at this point. Remove the squash that is done, and return the garlic and other squash to the oven, uncovered. Bake another 10 min. Remove garlic. (You want the garlic to be soft, so you can easily “push it out” of its skin. Assess other squash, and remove or continue baking until done.

Scrape each squash clean from its skin into bowl. With a potato masher, mash all squash together. Use an immersion blender or food processor to desired smoothness. (I like mine to have a little texture rather than smooth, but do as you palette prefers.) Add the organic chicken broth at this point to reach desired consistency. Because the spaghetti squash has a different consistency than the other kinds, I did keep this separate, blended it in a blender to puree. (Remember I thought it was a pumpkin. I wish I had taken a picture of it, you would have agreed with me!!)

Squeeze garlic out of skins and add to squash mix. Add salt and pepper to taste, mix all together, and serve hot.

Tip: This works well to make up to 3 days before serving. Simply re-heat in oven at 350 degrees for 30min. or til hot in center and slightly bubbly around the edges.




Butternut Squash Bisque

Butternut Squash Bisque

It's fall time, and I love the aroma of autumn foods simmering in my kitchen.  This year, for the 1st time our family participated in a local CSA. What a blessing, what a gift, what rich and bountiful food we received over the past months.  Lately, many of those delicious foods have been the many and abundant squash that grow locally during this season of the year;  Butternut squash being one of them.  

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Coconut Chocolate Chip Cookies

For me, having healthy snacks to fill my “sweet tooth” is essential to living joyfully.  Honestly! I did an unexpected experiment with this during the time my daughter and I were planning for her wedding.  Not surprisingly, because of all the extra responsibilities on my plate at the time, my “freezer stock” of healthy go to snacks became depleted, and I did not have the energy to bake and refill.  During those 2 weeks of “no healthy treats in the freezer” I started to crave the old sugar filled "go to’s."  I wanted to indulge in eating anything that had sugar. The store bought cookies, the ice cream, the soft pretzels, the sugar filled juices, etc, all foods I truly hadn’t even wanted for almost 2 years, in such a short time, I was craving. I was amazed at how quickly my body and mind reverted back to the “want” of those sugar laden foods.  It proved to me that sugar really is an addiction.  Breakable?, Absolutely, but an addiction that needs to be restrained to maintain. It proved to me that having easily accessible healthy options readily available was pertinent for me to maintain the healthy eating habits I embrace. 

Below I am sharing with you one of my absolute favorite "go to" healthy cookies, Coconut Chocolate Chip Cookies. I originally came across this recipe on the web site, Beyond Diet.  I modified it a tad to accommodate my taste buds and preferences. I almost always make a double batch, since my family has discovered they love them too.  I let them cool to room temperature and then immediately put them in an air tight freezer container and store them in the freezer.  I actually prefer them cold and frozen.    They are delicious, they are nutritious, and well, you just have to try them. 

Coconut Chocolate Chip Cookies

Cook Time: 10 min
Servings: 24
Gluten-free chocolate chip cookies with a taste of coconut!


2 c. almond flour, organic
1/4 tsp. sea salt, unrefined and pure
1/4 tsp. baking soda, pure
6 tbs. coconut oil, raw, extra-virgin, organic
1/4 c. honey, raw, unfiltered, organic (maple syrup works too)
1/2 tsp. vanilla extract, organic
2T. Water
1/2 c. chocolate chips, dark, 70%, raw, organic or cacao nibs
1/2 c. coconut, unsweetened & organic (I prefer the large flakes), but shredded works just fine too.


Preheat oven to 350°F. Line a large cookie sheet with a silicone baking mat or parchment paper.

In a large bowl, whisk together almond flour, sea salt, and baking soda.

In a small bowl, whisk together the melted coconut oil, honey, water and vanilla extract.

Add wet ingredients to dry and stir until combined.

Fold in chocolate chips and shredded coconut.

Scoop out quarter-sized balls and place on baking sheet. Using the back of a fork, gently press down on the scoops of cookie dough so they form discs.

Bake for 9-11 minutes, or until cooked through and lightly golden brown around the edges.

